Sunday, October 19, 2008

Okay, okay...I'm blogging

Well, I guess I'm jumping on this whole blogging thing...a little late, I guess, but nonetheless, I'm on it. For those of you who will actually read this, I guess I should apologize in advance, because I don't feel like I have a whole lot to tell the whole world. So, enjoy this if you can. :)

I'm working on a Bible study by Beth Moore right now called Believing God. One of the things you go through in the current lesson is looking at where God's been at all along in your life. She has you split your life into fifths and then asks questions for you to really think about that are exposing to me, God really has been after my heart since before I had one! When she first introduced this idea, I really wasn't sure what I'd say for age four and under. I have thought about this before, and I definitely see how God put believing friends in my life early on, which caused me to know Who to run to when I finally became weary of trying to do it on my own.

Anyways, I was so excited as I started thinking through all of this...because God is so faithful. I read that verse in Psalm 139 about being formed in utter seclusion but God watching you. It struck me...God has promised me repeatedly that he would never leave or forsake me...and look at that--he kept his promise even before I was born. He didn't even leave me on my own in my mother's womb. I didn't even know I needed him, but He was there. Wow. That is about all that is occupying my mind, needless to say. Tough to wrap your mind around.

I'm also so impressed with how careful and well planned God's plan has always been. I'm seeing that He had a place for me in His family even though I lacked a "spiritual heritage" and how he so uniquely set that up to happen. I shouldn't be His, but I praise Him that I am!

On a lighter note, I've had a ridiculous amount of energy this weekend, which has resulted in an exceptionally good attitude...a rarity for dry sense of humor kind of girl like me. :) All I'm saying is that having snacks while you watch a movie at the theatre...that you didn't sneak so much fun. I had forgotten. Secret Life of the Bees is an incredible movie. I can't imagine how the book could be any better. That would be out of control. Ashley says I leaped like a gazelle when we ran on Saturday morning. And, I swear the chicken I ate in the cafeteria today was moist, flavorful, and feather-free...a rarity. And the i-pod's playing Joshua Radin, so it's a good day.

See why I named it my "blah"g. Sorry. :)