Saturday, February 7, 2009

My List

My roommate and friend Lauren has this list with a bunch of things on it that she wants to do before she dies. She calls it her "Bucket List," the things she wants to do before she "kicks the bucket." Now, here is what you have to understand about Lauren...the girl has been to China, Guatemala, and Africa. She's got an adventurous spirit. So, her list says things like skydiving. Everytime she talks about something she wants to do on her bucket list, I feel so awkward because I want really simple things in my life...I don't get that excited about world travel or jumping out of an airplane. So, I've been on a quest for the past couple of weeks to figure out what I do want to do or see before I die. Everytime I think of something, I write it down. I think I'm done for now, so here it is:
  • Hike a fourteener.
  • Visit the creation muesuem in Cinncinnatti, OH.
  • Run a half marathon.
  • Visit an Amish community.
  • Go to Hawaii.
  • Ride in a horse drawn carriage.
  • Go to Israel.
  • Go to the Met.
  • Be the recipient of a love letter...and have a lamp with love letters in it (long story).
  • Go to New York.
  • Go to Venice and ride the streets in a Gondola.
  • Impact my family for Christ.
  • Be a stay at home mom.
  • Ride a tandem bicycle.
  • Own a real picnic basket.
  • Kiss in the rain.
  • Learn to do classic dances, like the waltz.
  • Hike the same trail in 4 different seasons.
  • Provide a home in my home for a pregnant teenage girl.
  • Have a bona fide collection.
  • Own a famous chair.
  • Learn American Sign Language.


Hulls Clan

I love knowing this about you...thanks for posting your bucket list! Have you ever seen the movie by the way? Not too bad actually. Love ya!