Sunday, March 8, 2009

So This is College, Part 1

As I approach graduation, I've begun to get a little bit nostalgic. As I've walked this campus, I've thought of so many memories I cherish of college, but I've also thought of a lot of things that I thought I would do in college, but haven't. I'm on a mission to do these things before it's too late! ;) So,

#1. Sunbathe on the roof.
Since Anderson is a Christian college, they have a designated area where girls are permitted to lay out, and it's on top of our administration building and dining hall. Of course, girls lay out all over, but I really wanted to try out the roof. What a little sanctuary! It's the only place you can be alone on the whole campus. I plan to frequent it 'til I graduate. :)

It took some convincing to get Mary Chath on the roof, but she finally did it!
Unfortunately, I had to study while I was up LEED exam is on Thursday. That's my dorm you see in the background.
#2 is clearly "Grow Mary Chath some facial hair." I laughed for quite awhile about this one!