If you hate it, sorry. It looks kind of circus-ey to me, but it's one of those things where you just spec paint colors and you choose walls arbitrarily and then you draw it out and you think...I wish I would have ordered more neutral paint samples. :) Anywho, I like to think it would look good in real life. I designed the bed/bedside tables myself.
This thing represents a small victory because this is the only perspective that I have not cried over! This is not the area of interior design that I excel in. My sophomore year, I had to be enrolled in what was effectively 25 hours of design courses (design courses meet for double the number of hours you register for). It was awful. I literally slept less than 5 hours a night for the entire semester and I would lay in bed and mentally draw a set of construction drawings in my head because I could not sleep. So one weekend, I was going into crunch time on a project. I still needed to draw and render (color with depth and shadow) a perspective. For the life of me I could not get it to look right. I figured out I was maybe drawing it too small, so, after 7 hours of struggling with it, I went to the library to blow up my plan so I could draw it bigger. While I was in the library, it hit me...this project was not going to get done. There was no way. So, I wept my eyes out, right there in public. The librarian came up to me and hugged me. I still cannot look at her. :) Needless to say, that project did get done and now, I'm maybe even a little sad that the projects are over. Sigh.
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