Wednesday, August 12, 2009

One More Catch Up Post

My sabbatical from blogging was mostly triggered by's not like I've been busy or anything. I had kind of forgotten about these pictures. The Rentels took me to this great little local dessert place called the Chocolate Cafe to celebrate my graduation. It's got a cute atmosphere and the people who own it are really proud of what they make. It's cute, they kind of watch you while you eat. (When I say cute, I of course mean slightly creepy, but charming nonetheless to see people so proud of what they do.)

When I ordered the Chocolate Lava Cake, the waitress told me I just HAD to try the first bite with my eyes closed and that it would change my world. Well, I humored her and did so since she was watching me and this is the very unattractive look that resulted. I thought all of the bites tasted about the same, eyes opened or closed, but it makes for a good story, I suppose.

This Very Fullfilling Job I Have

This is kind of old news, but...
I've been working at Macy's all summer until I can find some legitimate employment within my field. Lucky for me, Annie stopped in to surprise me on a very slow night wearing her mom's homely-made prom dress from back in the day (a source of a lot of laughter that week for some reason!). She jokingly asked me if I could find her a shoe for it...and tragically, I could. Thanks, Annie for making my job just a little bit more rewarding. :)

Brave, isn't she?

Scary, isn't it?

Girl's Weekend

All of the guys went out of town this weekend for our church's men's retreat. They had a great time. We were bummed! They add so much spontaneity and fun to our evenings! So...we set out to have a great girl's weekend together.

We started out with a late night of movies that the boys would have objected to (While You Were Sleeping and Confessions of a Shopaholic). Only Monica made it through both of the movies, but it was really fun to stay up into the wee hours watching chick flicks. ;)
The next day we all dressed up in black and white and went to Cafe Vino for desserts. It was fun and the desserts were delicious.
We were sorely disappointed that our weekend didn't even begin to top the fun that the guys had during their retreat...but, I have to say that Sunday night was the best night. Dan asked Steph if he could pursue her and she said yes and that resulted in a debrief of the whole conversation until 5am. Needless to say, we were excited! :)
Hmm...maybe I should have titled this "Steph's a Girlfriend Now."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Third Wheeling.

Steph, Dan, and I all went to see Tenth Avenue North in Denver the other night. Great concert! Here are a couple of pictures:

I know this makes me seem like a five year old, but I got a chuckle out of this as we stood in line, Steph and I both boycotting these at all costs. :)