Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Found It

Perfect...I finally found what I was looking for. I obsessively collect old family photographs from other people's families. I buy them at antique shops, because I can't stand to see people's precious family memories not being displayed and cherished. I know...this is such a weird thing about me! I'm a little bit choosy...they have to have a good story. Today, I was looking through some books about Neoclassicism and look what I found:
How cute is that? And historical (this is Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello). I really envision all of them being framed with white mats, but now I'm thinking I might go for a warm neutral on the mat and either black or wenge oak frames. I think I want it cover the wall of a stairwell, but until I have a stairwell, I love this ribbon idea. Sometime, maybe I'll post some of these antique photographs I have.