Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Holidays

We celebrated Thanksgiving a little bit differently than I remember doing it last time I celebrated with my family (four years ago). We always used to go to my grandma's house, but since she passed away we've done it here. This year, our kitchen is being redone, so we ordered our whole meal from Whole Foods...except the pies.

My mom gave me grief for showering and doing my hair and wearing real clothes on Thanksgiving. I wanted to feel human. She thought it was "very Southern" of me. So, she told me to put on my apron and smile for a "Paula Deen" picture of me with the only homemade part of our meal...the pies. Is that not the cutest hutch you have ever seen. My parents just got it at the flea market. I told them to go ahead and put that in the will for me. :)
The weather was so good that we had our meal outside with a fire in the fire pit. It was fun!
The next day, my nephews joined us and my dad was making them so of those gross little potato triangles that you thought you didn't have to eat outside of a school cafeteria. My dad called me over and said, "Hey Emily, Happy Hannukah." Hilarious.


Hulls Clan

seriously...could you be any cuter??? Martha Stewart watch out....I think someday you could really have your own show:)


1. Love the hutch! (Get that in writing quick, fast, and in a hurry!)
2. I love your apron!
3. I think your mum and my mum are secretly friends. My mum, after I made an eiffel-tower-patterned apron over the summer, made me pose for a picture in it next to the grill. Yes, I was grilling. haha.
4. Send the picture to Paula...maybe she'll put it in her magazine!!! You are too adorable, how could she say no?