Thursday, December 3, 2009

Chubby Chicks

I'm making this for my niece for Christmas. I started today. :) will be done on time. Isn't it so fun and cute? I am excited to see how it turns out. I'm doing pinks, greens, and robin's egg blue. I needed my sweet old grandmother in the quilt shop today to help me choose fabrics that would work together. :(



That is adorable!! I've been meaning to tell you my Aunt quilts and over Thanksgiving she showed me a bunch of hers. She has a book with pictures of all the ones she has ever made in it. It reminded me of you. I'm going to learn to make bigger ones, hopefully :).

Hulls Clan

ummm i wish lilly was your niece:) it looks amazing emmy! make sure you post a pic when you are done with it!