Monday, May 10, 2010

Never Too Old to Play Dress Up

At one of the antique stores, we found a great little corner dedicated to vintage hats and jewelry. A couple of the girls get into that kind of thing, I really don't. I prefer dishes. Nevertheless, we all had a great time trying on the many hats and I think these pictures are super fun.
Rebecca and me, caned purses and all.
Rebecca. Definitely wins the award for most adorable in a hat.
So this was the moment of truth...hats don't fit my head. I tried on a ton of the hats in this booth and found my head was up to it's name (Stirn means "large forehead" in German. What a name.)
There we go. The obnoxiously large one with giant flowers fits just fine. I'll take what I can get.


Hulls Clan

i just love that stirn head of yours and think you look adorable in your big flower hat!!!!