Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The other day I was driving to work, basking in the no-need-for-a-coat weather and thinking...I am so dramatic! I can't believe I always thought it was so unbearably cold here when I would return over Christmas from South Carolina.

Twenty four hours later I was freezing to death (practically). It has been in the single digits all week...like 5 degrees today. My iPod nearly froze just being in my car, while I was driving it.

And I bought snow boots. They're so tacky they're almost cute.


Hulls Clan

i think they are slightly cute but you know you would only be caught dead wearing those in the south:) LOVE YOU GIRL!!!

Keaton Interiors

ummmm....WHYYYY didn't i know this existed?!?!?! go me for my detective skills. go you for blahg cuteness.

Hulls Clan

i came to check your blog just in case i missed something and it's still just the boot...c'mon girl...are you soooo busy with christmas...i know you, you are done shopping, wrapping, quilting and everything...update me!!! i cling to my blogger friends updates like chocolate to a big pmser! love you!


They are WAY cuter than the original LL Bean Duck boots!!! I hope it warms up a bit for you.

BTW, just found your blog via Erin at Blueprints of a Southern Belle. Very cute!